

Here's the layout of my day, with a few of the interviews with friends from school in between, and then work, and an interview with my "co-worker," Mike.

Roger Interveiw

Michal Interveiw


(in danish) Mike's Inter.

Random Happenings

Just some clipps of stuff we did. Very short, but my day in the life blog/interviews is not done; I havent had time to finish it! geez I think the earlyest I´ve been home all week is 10pm. Im really tired right now, and my favorite pair of jeans are still totaly soaked from lastnight. Long story. But I don´t have a dryer so they have to air dry... I want my jeans. wow random. sorry here´s the vlogg.



This one is so insanely good.

Disclaimer: Annika is not a motor mouth, but this video has been altered to portray her as such.

Coming out

Sorry the last one was so long, we've gotten the hang of it now! Patricia, don't cry!! When you watch this, it's like you're hanging out with us!